Tuesday 29 January 2013

Tuesday Then & Now - Nikko Cedar Lane

I recently discovered Nagasaki University's Metadatabase of Japanese Old Photographs. There went a few hours of clicking through to photos and comparing them to what you can find now! So I decided to see if I could find my own photos of some of the places in the Nagasaki U database.

Here goes number one - of course I have to start with Nikko!!

The Nikko Cedar Road, the old approach road to Nikko.

Sometime in the late 19th or early 20th centuries:


January 3, 2013


  1. I'm going to love this series! ^^

    PS: Where's your jinrikisha? U didn't offer to transport m'lady in luxury and comfort?

    1. I thought you might like these! (I warn you, Nikko is going to last a while, however...!) But there are some from your stomping grounds, although none of Skytree, unfortunately! ;)

      No jinrikisha, but U's kei-car is actually very comfortable (although perhaps not luxurious)! Lots of leg room, something jinrikishas don't always have much of...
