Thursday 17 November 2011

Things I love Thursday

Between work being crazy busy and going away I've been neglecting my poor blog. So here goes a TILT post...

- Belgian (and British!!) chocolates filling the fridge and cupboard
- starting on a new project at work and being given the freedom to plan it from the start (sure I'll have to get my boss's okay before I actually do anything, but being given the freedom to plan it out on my own is exciting (and I'm sure good for my boss too, as it frees her up to do other things!)
- cuddling up in bed on cold nights
- having the time to cook dinner! (spicy meat and noodles on Monday, shoga-yaki on Tuesday, pumpkin pasta on Wednesday... nothing super fancy but just yummy and healthy meals with fresh ingredients)
- seeing friends happy (babies!)

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